
[For moss trimming] Scissors long type (bend) 160 mm/トリミング用ハサミロング

¥6,800 税込



Long scissors for moss terrarium trimming. It has a long and thin tip, and is suitable for trimming in test tube type, deep containers, and containers with narrow mouths such as triangular flasks. As long type scissors, it is slender and can cut moss one by one.

● We have selected moss terrarium that is easier to use than medical scissors.
● This is a long and slender medical scissor, called 'Metzen balm fino' , and strong against rust and durable.
● For cleaning moss planted in long and narrow containers such as test tubes.

[Length] 160 mm
[Weight] 27g
[Material] Stainless steel
☆ It is made of stainless steel so it is hard to rust and durable.
☆ We handle various tools according to the purpose.

[How to Care]
・ Wipe off any dust after use and apply oil to the blade.
・ Do not grind the blade with a grindstone.

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¥6,800 税込
